

Tahawash Water jet is the answer for companies that need to perform tough, heavy-duty jobs and thus require: power for cleaning, scrubbing or sandblasting; reliability for short and long periods; safety for the operators and the machine; economy of time and money. İt is the ideal solution for shipyards, road yard, mining industries, etc.

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Kalite Güvencesi

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Yedek Parça Garantisi


TTSJ – 41.500

Designed for you to achieve maximum cleanliness with its strength and stylish design. It is the choice of those who want excellent results in professional cleaning.

The water jet is the answer for companies that need to do demanding, heavy work and therefore need the following: power for cleaning, scrubbing or sandblasting; reliability for short and long periods; safety for operators and machinery; economy of time and money. Shipyards, road shipyards, mining industries, etc. it is the ideal solution for.

It is the most preferred product in shipyards. It provides an ideal use for the removal of paints from ships.

It has created a field of use in many different sectors with different pressure and liter options.

With its special electrical system, durable body, Italian pump and high pressure resistant gun, it has a long working capacity and safe use.ant gun.


Additional information


TTSJ – 41.50C

Function / Fonksiyon

High Pressure Water Jet / Yüksek Basınçlı Su Jeti

Pump / Pompa

Original Italian / Orjinal İtalyan

Pump Type / Pompa Tipi

3 Ceramic Piston / 3 Seramik Pistonlu

Working Pressure / Çalışma Basıncı

30-500 Bar Adjustable / 30-500 Bar ayarlanablir

Flow / Debi

41Lt / Min – Adjustable / 41Lt / dak – Ayarlanabilir

Motor Power / Motor Gücü

45 Kw / 65 Hp

Voltage / Voltaj

380 V / 3 Phase

Pump Safety System / Pompa Emniyet Sistemi

Regulator with By-Pass System / Unloading Control System / By-pass sistemli regülatör, yüksek basınç boşaltma limitörü

Electric System / Elektrik Sistemi

SCHNEIDER Electrical Device ( Phase Protection and 125A Thermal Magnetic Swtich) / SCHNEİDER Elektrik Tertibatı ( Faz Koruma ve 125A Termik Manyetik Şalter)

Seal System / Keçe Sistemi

Special Double Seal Kit / Özel çift takım sızdırmaz keçe kiti

Power Transmission / Güç Aktarımı

450 Special Drum and Gear Coupling Transmission Power / 450 Özel Kampana ve Dişli Kaplin Aktarma Gücü

Body / Kabin

2.5 MM Side, Front, Top Covers Wıth Safety and Lock System / Güvelik Kilitli 2,5 MM Yan, Ön, Üst Kapaklar

Spray gun / Tabanca

High Pressure ML-510 Trigger Operated, No Reaction / Yüksek Basınç ML-510 Tetikten Kumandalı, Geri Tepmesiz

Hose / Hortum

20 mt R9

Wheels / Tekerlekler

Rear Wheels Fixed with Shaft, Front Rotating Locked Wheel / Arka Milli Sabit Teker, Ön Kilitli Sarhoş Teker.

Standard Equipment / Standart Ekipman

High Pressure Hose, Spray Gun, Hose Anti-Kink System, Supply Cable 5 Meter, Rotating Jet Nozzle / Yüksek Basınçlı Hortum, Yıkama Tabancası, Hortum Dolanma Önleyici Sistem, Besleme Kablosu 5mt, Rotopower Nozul

Weight (Net / Gross) / Ağırlık

400 Kg

Dimensions / Boyutlar

95 x 115 x 150 Cm

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