


Our new generation central washing systems with P5 screen are specially designed for luxury consumers with high satisfaction expectations for their Wash – Foam – Color Foam – Polish – Clean Water and Stop functions. If gas stations and those kind of esthablisments expects more profitable earnings and want to be unrivaled in their region. It is the primary choice of the facilities.

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Our new generation central washing systems with P5 screen are specially designed for luxury consumers with high satisfaction expectations for their Wash – Foam – Color Foam – Polish – Clean Water and Stop functions. If gas stations and those kind of esthablisments expects more profitable earnings and want to be unrivaled in their region. It is the primary choice of the facilities.


Additional information


TTJ5-01 / P5

Function / Fonksiyon

Self Service Car Wash + Foam + Colored Foam+ Wax + Osmose Water /
Self Servis Oto Yıkama + Köpük + Renkli Köpük + Cila + Durulama

Pump / Pompa

Special Italian Pump For Car Wash / Oto Yıkama Amaçlı İtalyan Özel Pompa

Pump Type / Pompa Tipi

3 Ceramic Piston / 3 Seramik Pistonlu

Working Pressure / Çalışma Basıncı

30-200 Bar Adjustable /
30-200 Bar Ayarlanabilir

Payment Options / Ödeme Seçenekleri

Coin, Bill and Token /
Kağıt para, Metal para, Jeton

Pressure Regulator / Basınç Düzenleyici

Special Stainless Regulator /
Özel Paslanmaz Ventil

Flow / Debi

15 Lt / Min – Adjustable /
15 Lt / Dak – Ayarlanabilir

Motor Power / Motor Gücü

5.5 Kw / 7.5 Hp

Voltage / Voltaj

380 V / 3 Phase

Pump Safety System / Pompa Emniyet Sistemi

Regulator with By-Pass System / Unloading Control System / By-Pass Sistemli Regülatör, Yüksek Basınç Boşaltma Limitörü

Electric System / Elektrik Sistemi

Earth Leakage Protection Relay / Thermal Relay / Personal Control / Adjustable Card System / Kaçak Akım Rölesi, Termik Koruyucu, Şahıs Kullanım Kontrolü, Ayarlanabilir Kart Sistemi

Seal System / Keçe Sistemi

Special Double Seal Kit /
Özel Çift Takım Sızdırmaz Keçe Kiti

Power Transmission / Güç Aktarımı

Special Coupling System /
Özel Akuple Kaplin Sistemi

Gun Holder / Tabanca Kını

Chrome / Krom

Body / Gövde

Electrostatic Painted Metal Sheet. Front and Back Cover for Ease of Intervention in the Mechanical Section. Convenient Design./ Elektrostatik Boyalı Sac. Mekanik Bölümde Müdahale Kolaylığı İçin Ön ve Arka Kapak. Kullanışlı Tasarım

Spray Gun / Tabanca

Italian Rotary Trigger Pistol with Grip + Rotary Trigger Jet Foam and Liquid Spray / İtalyan Kabzeli
Dönerli Tetikli Tabanca + Dönerli Tetikli Jet Köpük ve Sıvı Tabanca

Hose / Hortum

2 x 5 Mt Z Boom R2 350 Bar /
2 x 5 Mt Pervane Hortumu R2 350 Bar

Standard Equipment / Standart Ekipman

High Pressure Hose, Spray Gun x2 , 2 x Chrome Single Z Boom, Foam Tank, Extrenal Gun Holder, Optional Safety Valve and Start Switch / Yüksek Basınçlı Hortum, Yıkama ve Köpük Tabancası, 2 x Krom Tekli Z PervaneKöpük Tankı, Harici Tabanca Yeri, İsteğe Bağlı Emniyet Valfi ve Başlatma Şalteri

Weight (Net / Gross) / Ağırlık

124 / 129 Kg

Dimensions / Ölçüler

90 x 50 x 60 Cm

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